GitHub Pages: A site to host your personal homepage


GitHub Pages is a static site hosting service that takes HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files straight from a repository on GitHub, optionally runs the files through a build process, and publishes a website.

Setup a GitHub pages


There are generally two types of homepage template for researchers, hugo and jekyll theme academic pages. The example shown here uses a customized version based on “minimal-mistakes-jekyll” theme.

GitHub page

Open a GitHub account and your personal website will be hosted there.

Note: choose your account name carefully since it will become your website link address in the end, if you do not want to pay for any domain address.

Download all files of the associated academicpage page from scratch under Code, or download from a researcher’s existing GitHub pages, for example,

  1. Lixian Su
  2. Olivier Gimenez
  3. Sam Zipper

Version control

Download GitHub Desktop as your version control tool.

Link GitHub Desktop with your GitHub account.

Add local repository from the downloaded and unzipped folder. Commit and push changes to GitHub when changes have been made. Refresh you homepage at “Your account name”

Personal details

Change details to yours, and there are mainly in the files as follows:

  • _config.yml
  • _pages: include each individual pages
  • _publications: include your publications
  • _talks: include your talks
  • _projects: include your projects
  • _teaching: include your teaching experience
  • _posts: include your blogs
  • images: include associated images of the website
  • files: include associated files of the website


  1. Organise the order of pages in _data/navigation.yml

  2. Author profile on left side of page:
    • author_profile: false or true
  3. Sort the order of sites,for example _pages/talks.html:
### add curly brackets ({}) and percent sign (%) to each line of codes in the talk.html

#normal order
 for post in site.talks 
   include archive-single-talk.html 

#reversed order
 for post in site.talks reversed 
   include archive-single-talk.html 
  1. Update _pages/talkmap.html:
###A Git blob (binary large object) is the object type used to store the contents of each file in a repository. 

<p>This map is generated from a Jupyter Notebook file in <a href="">/_talks/talkmap.ipynb</a>, which mines the location fields in the .md files in _talks/.</p>
<iframe src="/talkmap/map.html" height="700" width="850" style="border:none;"></iframe>

How to add a new page


    output: true
    permalink: /:collection/:path/
  # _people
  - scope:
      path: ""
      type: people
      layout: single
      author_profile: true
      read_time: true
      comments: true
      share: true
      related: true


layout: archive
title: "People"
permalink: /people/
author_profile: true
### add curly brackets ({}) and percent sign (%) to each line of codes in the people.html
 include base_path 

### link the documents under _people folder
 for post in site.people reversed 
   include archive-single.html 


  • Change the title to change the tab name shown online!
  • Comment out to not show the People tab online!
# main links links
  - title: "People"
    url: /people/

How to add a Avatar profile

Add script to HTML or md

<img src="avatar.png" alt="Avatar" class="avatar">

Add class to CSS in assets/css/academicons.css

.avatar {
  vertical-align: middle;
  width: 100px;
  height: auto;
  position: relative;
	overflow: hidden;
  border-radius: 50%;