Word to Latex: Writing papers the right way


LaTeX is a document preparation system for high-quality typesetting. It is most often used for medium-to-large technical or scientific documents, but it can be used for almost any form of publishing.


  • Pandoc: If you need to convert files from one markup format into another, pandoc is your swiss-army knife.

  • JabRef: Native BibTeX and BibLaTeX support, perfect for text-based typesetting systems such as LaTeX and Markdown.
    • Endnote
  • Latex: MikTex, GhostScript and PDF viewer, and TexStudio


Step1. Word2Latex using Pandoc

  • Reference in word using Endnote
  • Reference in Latex using JabRef

  • pandoc [options] [input-file]…
    • -s: standalone
    • –wrap=auto, none, or preserve
    • –extract-media=. : extract figures from the document

Check details in the pandoc manual

pandoc --extract-media=. --wrap=none -s input.docx -t latex o output.tex

Step2a. Equations, Tables and Figures using Latex

  • Equations: Convert to default math function in Word
  • Tables: https://www.tablesgenerator.com/
  x + y = z

  \caption{Table 1\label{tab:tab1}}
  Tabe Head

  \caption{Figure 1\label{fig:fig1}}

Cite by: \ref{eq:eq1}; \ref{tab:tab1}; \ref{fig:fig1}

Step2b. Reference

  • JabRef: Generate Citation keys (e.g., RN1)
%in the preamble

%Where the bibliography will be printed
\bibliography{name of .bib file}

   author = {Gastel, Barbara and Day, Robert A.},
   title = {How to Write and Publisher a Scientific Paper},
   publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
   address = {New York, USA},
   year = {2017},
   type = {Book}

Cite by: \cite{RN1}

Step3. Adapting to any required format by journals

  • Document class (e.g., elsarticle.cls)
  • Bibliography style (e.g., elsarticle-num.bst)
%Default class: article, book, thesis



  • Support collaborative online editing
  • Support fully reproducible document using multiple languages, eg R or Python